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Justtrack offers a S2S solution to receive your revenue events in real-time.



Required parameters

The following path parameters are required in the URL path so revenue events are getting tracked.

apikeyYour justtrack API key
platformios or android
packageIdThe Package ID / Bundle ID of the app
transactionidUnique transaction ID that can be used to trace and deduplicate events
useridEither the justtrack user ID or your custom user ID, which you provided via the justtrack SDK
valueRevenue value in USD

Optional parameters

ProviderShort Handle
monetizationnetworkNetwork that filled the ad impression
monetizationproviderReporting Provider
monetizationbundleidApp bundle ID/package name of the advertised app
monetizationinstancenameIdentify which position in the waterfall received the ad impression
monetizationplacementName of placement within the app
monetizationsegmentIdentifier in case ads are limited to specific audience groups
monetizationtestgroupIdentifier in case users are split into different groups for testing
monetizationtypeType of shown ad
happenedatThe time when the event happened in ISO 8601 format

Example request\&platform=android\&\&transactionid=transaction-id-123\&userid=custom-user-id-123\&monetizationnetwork=network\&monetizationprovider=provider\&value=1.98

Best practices

We highly recommend to provide at least monetizationnetwork and monetizationprovider as this significantly increases your possibilities drill into you user's behaviour.