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Version: SDK 4.5.x


Version 4.5.6 (July 22, 2024)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.5.6.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.6.

Version 4.5.5 (13th June 2024)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.5.5.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.5.

Version 4.5.4 (3rd June 2024)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.5.4.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.4.
  • Increase React Native version to 0.74.

Version 4.5.3 (2nd May 2024)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.5.3.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.3.

Version 4.5.2 (9th April 2024)


  • Added SDK builder JusttrackSdkBuilder for initializing the SDK.


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.5.2.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.2.

Version 4.5.1 (5th February 2024)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.5.1.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.1.

Version 4.5.0 (21st December 2023)


  • Added iOS SDK at version 4.5.0. The package now supports both Android and iOS.


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.5.0.
  • The UserEvent classes have been changed such that you can now submit named custom dimensions instead of dimensions custom1/2/3.
  • All predefined event classes have been renamed, some have been removed or merged. See the migration guide you received for more details.
  • forwardAdImpression now requires you to construct an AdImpression object instead of passing individual parameters.
  • The new React Native architecture is now supported as well.

Version 4.4.1 (30th August 2023)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.4.1.
  • IronSourceUserIdSource has been renamed to UserIdSource.

Version 4.4.0 (14th July 2023)


  • Added getUserId to provide the justtrack user ID directly.


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.4.0.
  • Renamed attributeUser to getAttribution.
  • Renamed getAffiliateLink to createAffiliateLink.
  • Renamed publishFirebaseAppInstanceId to setFirebaseAppInstanceId.


  • Removed the exception classes AffiliateLinkFailed and AttributeUserFailed.
  • Removed getCachedAttribution. Use getUserId or getAttribution instead.

Version 4.3.8 (29th March 2023)


  • You can now provide a custom user ID to the backend.
  • The SDK can now automatically track in-app purchases. This is enabled by default.


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.3.8.
  • You can now attach a currency to the events you are sending.
  • If you are forwarding ad impressions, you now have to specify the currency for the revenue of the event.
  • The integration with IronSource was changed to allow specifying the user ID source.
  • AdUnit was renamed to AdFormat.


  • getSdk was removed from JustTrackSdkModule. Use JustTrack.getInstance instead.

Version 4.3.2 (4th August 2022)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.3.2.

Version 4.3.1 (7th July 2022)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.3.1.

Version 4.3.0 (6th May 2022)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.3.0.

Version 4.2.9 (1st April 2022)


  • The SDK now provides methods to integrate with Firebase.


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.9.
  • Renamed all occurrences of the Firebase instance ID to Firebase app instance ID. For example, publishFirebaseInstanceId is now called publishFirebaseAppInstanceId.

Version 4.2.4 (12th November 2021)


  • The SDK now provides methods to get the advertiser ID of the user and the test group ID of the user.


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.4.

Version 4.2.3 (26th August 2021)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.3.

Version 4.2.2 (2nd August 2021)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.2.

Version 4.2.1 (28th July 2021)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.1.

Version 4.2.0 (25th June 2021)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.0.
  • When supplying a tracking ID, you now also have to provide the source of that ID.


  • Removed ability to publish events in real time again.

Version 4.1.1 (18th May 2021)


  • Added ability to send events in real time.


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.1.1.

Version 4.1.0 (18th May 2021)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.1.0.

Version 4.0.1 (30th April 2021)


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.0.1.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed predefined events to publish their custom parameters with the correct dimensions.

Version 4.0.0 (26th April 2021)


  • The implementation for standard events changed significantly. Each standard event now has an associated class and should be created via an instance of this class. Events can still be published from a single string, though.
  • Standard events now carry built-in dimensions next to the three custom dimensions.
  • publishEvent was simplified and now accepts any user event instance instead of creating it with multiple methods for the different cases.
  • The justtrack SDK is now licensed under the MIT license.
  • There is now a short delay before sending user events to batch them.
  • Added the current version name (if available) to the app version send to the backend.


  • Added JustTrackError class on JavaScript side to better represent errors. All promises returned by the SDK should throw that error in case of an error.
  • Added UserEvent class to collect all details of a user event.
  • Added the EventDetails class to group event name, category, element, and action. Only the event name is mandatory.


  • Removed units for level, currency, and average count.
  • Removed publishRichEvent and publishUnitEvent functions.

Version 3.2.0 (6th April 2021)


  • Added campaign type and incent flag on channel to attribution response.
  • Changed retargeting parameters to carry an URI instead of an URL (i.e., renamed the property).


  • Added support for a preliminary retargeting result. This allows you to already display some welcome screen while the SDK is still waiting for the retargeting attribution to be confirmed by the justtrack backend (as this can take a few seconds). Added therefore getPreliminaryRetargetingParameters and registerPreliminaryRetargetingParametersListener as well as the corresponding result types.

Bug fixes

  • registerAttributionListener no longer calls the listener with AttributionData objects whose createdAt field is a number instead of a Date.

Version 3.1.0 (17th March 2021)


  • The SDK now fetches the attribution again after 5 seconds (default, can be changed) after a re-attribution opportunity was detected.


  • Added reFetchReAttributionDelaySeconds to the SDK options.

Version 3.0.1 (23rd February 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Converted reference held by the RN module to a strong one to avoid the SDK getting released too early.

Version 3.0.0 (22nd February 2021)


  • The SDK now waits for some time before retrying requests.
  • Allow the advertiser ID to be missing if we have a tracking ID.
  • Renamed various parts of the attribution response:
    • uuid -> userId
    • subId -> sourceId
    • subAppId -> sourceBundleId
    • adSetId -> adsetId (small S)
  • Added recruiter.userId, recruiter.platform, installId, userType, sourcePlacement to the attribution response
  • Updated okhttp dependency to 3.14.9 and play-services-ads dependency to 19.7.0
  • Starting with this version, you have to implement Activity#onNewIntent(Intent) to allow the SDK to detect receiving intents while the app is already running. There is an IntentHandlingReactActivity which implements this and extends ReactActivity available to use.
  • The JustTrackSdkModule has been rewritten from Kotlin to Java.


  • Initializing the SDK now can take an options object instead of the tracking ID. There you can set (besides the tracking ID) the inactivityTimeFrame and reAttributionTimeFrame.
  • Added getRetargetingParameters to the JustTrackSdk interface. It provides the retargeting parameters the app was started with (if any, otherwise null).
  • Added registerAttributionListener and registerRetargetingParametersListener to the SDK.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed wrong ad unit names in IronSource integration.

Version 2.4.0 (8th December 2020)


  • Added integrateWithIronSource().


  • init() now takes an optional second argument specifying the tracking ID of the user (e.g., the Appsflyer ID).

Version 2.3.3 (22th October 2020)


  • The Logger interface was changed and supports additional fields now.
  • The SDK now automatically sends logs to the justtrack backend.
  • The SDK now sends additional information about the install referrer to the backend.

Bug fixes

  • The SDK now correctly reports the Version of the app upon install.
  • Fixed a problem with publishFirebaseInstanceId not resolving (RN only).

Version 2.3.2 (8th October 2020)


  • Added setFirebaseInstanceId and publishFirebaseInstanceId methods to forward a firebase ID to the justtrack backend.

Version 2.3.1 (17th September 2020)


  • The SDK now automatically publishes SESSION_APP_OPEN events each time the SDK detects an app launch.

Version 2.3.0 (7th September 2020)


  • Added getCachedAttribution method.


  • Updated native SDK to 2.3.0
  • An attribution now includes the campaign name, subId, subAppId, adSetId, recruiter, and createdAt fields.