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Version: SDK 4.7.x


Version 4.7.0 (January 22, 2025)


  • Added support for StoreKit 2.

Version 4.6.1 (October 30, 2024)


  • Increased version number only.

Version 4.6.0 (October 22, 2024)


  • Change SDK version scheme to support semantic versioning.

Version 4.5.6 (July 22, 2024)

Bug fixes

  • Added handling for scenarios where ATT is requested while the app is in inactive state.

Version 4.5.5 (13th June 2024)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed attribution on iOS 17.4.0 and iOS 17.4.1.

Version 4.5.4 (31th May 2024)


  • ATT request workaround for iOS 17.4 where iOS doesn't wait for user response.


  • The minimum supported iOS version was raised to iOS 12.

Bug fixes

  • A crash was fixed when integrating with AppLovin 12.x.

Version 4.5.3 (29th April 2024)


  • The SDK now contains a privacy manifest file.

Version 4.5.2 (8th April 2024)


  • The SDK is now available via Carthage and the Swift Package Manager.


  • The SDK now reads the IDFA automatically after the user accepts the ATT request even if this happens after the SDK has been initialized.
  • The casing of enum variants has been unified to lowerCamelCase. All variants of the Dimension enum as well as some AdFormat` variants have been affected.
  • The userId and advertiserIdInfo properties have been replaced with async methods getUserId() and getAdvertiserIdInfo().
  • The createAffiliateLink() -> String and createAffiliateLink(channel: String) throws -> String methods have become asynchronous and now have the following signatures: createAffiliateLink() -> Future<String> and createAffiliateLink(channel: String) -> Future<String> respectively.

Bug fixes

  • The SDK no longer resets the SKAd conversion value after installing from SKAdNetwork v4 and higher ads.
  • User event timestamps now have millisecond precision.

Version 4.5.1 (5th February 2024)

Bug fixes

  • Removed the application delegate wrapper as it wasn't always forwarding calls correctly.

Version 4.5.0 (12th December 2023)


  • The UserEvent classes have been changed such that you can now submit named custom dimensions instead of dimensions custom1/2/3.
  • All predefined event classes have been renamed, some have been removed or merged. See the migration guide you received for more details.
  • The JustTrackSDK can now only be initialized from the main thread. If you need to initialize it from another thread, use DispatchQueue.main.sync to move the call to the main thread.
  • JustTrackSdk.forwardAdImpression now requires you to construct an AdImpression object instead of passing individual parameters.

Version 4.4.1 (30th August 2023)

Bug fixes

  • Initializing the SDK multiple times no longer causes multiple instances running concurrently.

Version 4.4.0 (14th July 2023)


  • JustTrackSdk.userId was added to retrieve a future for the justtrack user ID.


  • The justtrack SDK now provides the user and test group ID without waiting for the justtrack backend.
  • JustTrackSdk.attributeUser was renamed to JustTrackSdk.attribution and is now a property.
  • JustTrackSdk.getRetargetingParameters was renamed to JustTrackSdk.retargetingParameters and is now a property.
  • JustTrackSdk.getPreliminaryRetargetingParameters was renamed to JustTrackSdk.preliminaryRetargetingParameters and is now a property.
  • JustTrackSdk.getAppVersionAtInstall was renamed to JustTrackSdk.attribution and is now a property.
  • JustTrackSdk.getSdkVersion was renamed to JustTrackSdk.sdkVersion and is now a property.
  • JustTrackSdk.getAdvertiserIdInfo was renamed to JustTrackSdk.advertiserIdInfo and is now a property.
  • JustTrackSdk.getTestGroupId was renamed to JustTrackSdk.testGroupId and is now a property.
  • JustTrackSdk.publishEvent was renamed to JustTrackSdk.publish(event:).
  • JustTrackSdk.registerAttributionListener was renamed to JustTrackSdk.register(attributionListener:).
  • JustTrackSdk.registerRetargetingParametersListener was renamed to JustTrackSdk.register(retargetingParametersListener:).
  • JustTrackSdk.registerPreliminaryRetargetingParametersListener was renamed to JustTrackSdk.register(preliminaryRetargetingParametersListener:).
  • JustTrackSdk.onDestroy was renamed to JustTrackSdk.shutdown.
  • JustTrackSdk.getAffiliateLink was renamed to JustTrackSdk.createAffiliateLink(channel:) and can now throw an error instead of returning a future which can fail. A version without a parameter that doesn't throw any errors was also added.
  • JustTrackSdk.publishFirebaseAppInstanceId was renamed to JustTrackSdk.set(firebaseAppInstanceId:).
  • The AdvertiserIdInfo and AttributionResponse protocols now provide properties instead of getter methods.
  • XCode 14.0 or newer is now required.


  • JustTrackSdk.getCachedAttribution was removed.

Version 4.3.8 (29th March 2023)


  • JustTrack.getInstance now returns the current SDK instance if one was already created.
  • set(automaticInAppPurchaseTracking: Bool) was added to configure automatic in-app purchase tracking. It's enabled by default.


  • You can now no longer manually forward in-app purchases. Use the automatic integration instead.

Version 4.3.7 (17th March 2023)

Bug fixes

  • Added support to integrate with AppLovin 10.x.
  • Added support to integrate with Unity Ads 4.6.0.

Version 4.3.6 (2nd March 2023)


  • forwardAdImpression can now be called with an arbitrary string parameter instead of an AdFormat.
  • integrateWithAdColony was added to automatically track ad impressions from AdColony.
  • integrateWithAppLovin was added to automatically track ad impressions from AppLovin.
  • integrateWithChartboost was added to automatically track ad impressions from Chartboost.
  • integrateWithUnityAds was added to automatically track ad impressions from Unity Ads.


  • The AdUnit enum was renamed to AdFormat and the .rewarded_video value was renamed to rewarded. .rewarded_interstitial, .native, and .app_open have been added as new values, too.
  • The JustTrackSDKFirebase and JustTrackSDKironSource pods were merged into the JustTrackSDK pod.

Bug fixes

  • The correct device model is now reported to the justtrack backend, improving attribution precision.

Version 4.3.5 (16th December 2022)


  • Forwarding in-app purchases no longer requires you to manually supply the receipt as token.

Version 4.3.4 (2nd December 2022)


  • The SDK now provides a method to track in-app purchases.


  • You can now attach a currency to the events you are sending.
  • If you are forwarding ad impressions, you now have to specify the currency for the revenue of the event.

Bug fixes

  • The reported app version was fixed and now provides the name you specify instead of the version code only.
  • The SDK no longer reports requesting the tracking permission multiple times if the method is called more than once.

Version 4.3.3 (8th November 2022)


  • The SDK now provides the token for Apple Search Ads to the backend.
  • You can now provide a custom user ID to the backend.
  • The SDK is now available as a CocoaPod.


  • The SDK now imposes restrictions about the data you can send to the backend.
  • The integration with Google Ads campaigns was improved.
  • The native integration with IronSource was changed to allow specifying the user ID source.

Version 4.3.2 (4th August 2022)


  • The SDK now provides a method forwardAdImpression to report ad impressions to the justtrack backend.

Version 4.3.1 (7th July 2022)

Bug fixes

  • The SDK now stores internal logs and metrics more carefully to avoid excessive memory usage.

Version 4.3.0 (6th May 2022)


  • The SDK now handles timeouts while collecting information for a correct attribution better. This will make it more likely to receive an attribution event after the initial Future resolves should you have registered a listener.
  • The test group ID is now computed based on the IDFV instead of the IDFA.

Version 4.2.9 (1st April 2022)


  • Renamed all occurrences of the Firebase instance ID to Firebase app instance ID. For example, publishFirebaseInstanceId is now called publishFirebaseAppInstanceId.

Bug fixes

  • The SDK now retrieves the Firebase app instance ID instead of the Firebase (installation) instance ID during integration.

Version 4.2.8 (30th March 2022)


  • The SDK can now retrieve the Firebase instance ID of a user and send it to the justtrack backend.

    Version 4.2.6 (11th February 2022)


  • Improved attribution precision.

Version 4.2.5 (17th December 2021)


  • Added JustTrack.requestTrackingAuthorization to allow the user to opt in for tracking.


  • Improved the precision of the retrieved device model name.

Version 4.2.4 (11th November 2021)


  • The SDK now provides methods to get the advertiser ID of the user and the test group ID of the user.


  • The SDK now includes logic to retry fetching the & attribution if it failed last time and some time has passed.

Bug fixes

  • The SDK now sends session_app_open events correctly.

Version 4.2.3 (25th August 2021)


  • The SDK now automatically handles a network reconnect when fetching an attribution.
  • Improved the error messages when you try to use an invalid API token.
  • The SDK will now automatically send the revenue value with user events generated from ad impressions to the backend.

Version 4.2.2 (29th July 2021)


  • Increased version to align with unity version.
  • Increased likelihood that events reach the backend if the user is only using the app for a short time.
  • Added call to SKAdNetwork.registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution.

Version 4.2.0 (23rd June 2021)


  • Events tracking the progress of a user for a level or quest have been extended to automatically track the progress of the user and provide the duration the app was active during that time upon completion.
  • The session ID is now included in all events sent to the backend.
  • You now have to name the provider of the tracking ID when initializing the SDK.


  • Removed with(realTime:) from all interfaces again as well as realTime event functionality.
  • It's no longer possible to set the duration for progression events by hand.

Version 4.1.0 (21st May 2021)


  • Added with(realTime:) to user events to send events without any delay.
  • Added registerAttributionListener, registerRetargetingParametersListener, and registerPreliminaryRetargetingParametersListener to the SDK as well as needed companion types.
  • Added getRetargetingParameters and getPreliminaryRetargetingParameters to the SDK.


  • The implementation for standard events changed significantly. Each standard event now has an associated class and should be created via an instance of this class.
  • Standard events now carry built-in dimensions next to the three custom dimensions.
  • A UserEvent now takes a EventDetails instance instead of a String as the name parameter. You can create a EventDetails instance from a string, leaving category, element, and action empty.
  • Events are now persisted until they reached the justtrack servers at least once.
  • There is now a short delay before sending user events to batch them.
  • The justtrack SDK is now licensed under the MIT license.
  • The attribution format was changed slightly and more information is now provided with each attribution.
  • Added the current version name (if available) to the app version send to the backend.
  • The SDK now fetches the attribution again after 5 seconds (default, can be changed) after a re-attribution opportunity was detected.


  • Removed units for level, currency, and average count.

Version 2.4.2 (11th January 2021)


  • Use build number as version if available.

Bug fixes

  • Use correct locale when formatting dates.

Version 2.3.3 (10th December 2020)


  • Created the SDK and released it onto an unsuspecting world.