Changing the way you work with monetization

In recent weeks, we've made several changes to how you share and analyze monetization data with justtrack. Here's a high-level overview to catch you up:
- We changed how you forward in-app purchases using the justtrack SDK for iOS.
- We changed the configuration requirements for fetching Android and iOS in-app purchase data.
- We added three new views for analyzing monetization data in the dashboard.
In this post, we'll share details about these changes, so you're up to date on how to work with monetization data.
Forward in-app purchases with iOS
The first major monetization change we've made is how you forward in-app purchases from your iOS applications.
In past versions of the justtrack SDK, in-app purchase tracking was enabled by default. In addition, the SDK recognized in-app purchases and sent them to the justtrack backend automatically. From version 4.7.0 onward, this behavior may be different, depending on your StoreKit version:
- StoreKit 1
- StoreKit 2
If you're using StoreKit 1, the justtrack SDK still tracks in-app purchases automatically. If you want to change this behavior, you can do so like this:
let builder = JustTrackSdkBuilder(apiToken: "prod-...")
let sdk = builder
// Turn off automatic in-app purchase tracking
.set(automaticInAppPurchaseTracking: false)
If you're using StoreKit 2, you need to manually forward in-app purchases to justtrack by calling this method everywhere you handle a purchase in your code.
sdk.forward(transaction: transaction)
We also made the corresponding changes for our React Native and Unity SDKs for iOS. We've made no changes to our Android SDK implementation with regard to in-app purchase tracking.
You can read more about forwarding in-app purchases with justtrack SDK version 4.7.0 in our documentation.
Configure in-app purchase tracking credentials
Along with setting up the justtrack SDK to forward in-app purchase data, you'll need to configure some credentials in the dashboard. With these credentials, we can request extra data from Google or Apple that is not included in the transaction from the SDK.
The credentials we need depend on the app platform:
Analyze monetization data

Whether you're monetizing your apps with ads, in-app purchases, or both, we've got a data view for you! There are now three dedicated monetization views in justtrack:
You can read more about these views in our documentation.
As always, if you have questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to us at