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Version: SDK 4.5.x


The justtrack SDK can track advertisement and in-app purchase revenue for you. In-app purchase revenue is always tracked automatically, advertising revenue can be tracked automatically from the IronSource SDK right now (see Enable real-time revenue data with ironSource). If you are using another SDK to deliver ads for your users, you can track the impressions manually.

Forwarding in-app purchases

If the user performs an in-app product or subscription purchase, you can forward the purchase via the justtrack SDK to our backend. By default, this is already enabled and every purchase of the user will be forwarded automatically. You can enable or disable the integration by calling SetAutomaticInAppPurchaseTracking or by configuring it in the justtrack settings.


When enabled, all purchases will be reported automatically to the justtrack backend and, if you have correctly configured purchase validation, show up as revenue for your app.

You have to configure a service account and a shared secret to correctly validate purchases.

Forwarding ad impressions

Our SDK can forward ad impression data to the justtrack platform so you can track your app's ad revenue.

Automatic impression forwarding

We can automatically forward ad impressions for several partners. Use these methods to integrate the partner SDK:




integrateWithAppLovin(userIdSource: UserIdSource, listenFor: AppLovinAdEvent)



adjoe WAVE

adjoe WAVE is integrated automatically if you use their SDK.


Refer to our ironSource integration guide.



Manual impression forwarding

If your ad network isn't available for automatic ad impression forwarding, you can manually forward impression data using .ForwardAdImpression():

new AdImpression("format","sdk_name")
.setRevenue(new Money(10.0,"USD")

This method accepts an AdImpression whose parameters are:

  • adFormat: The format of the ad.
  • adSdkName: The name of the SDK which provided the event, for example ironsource or admob.

The SDK name must be lowercase. So, for example, you would use ironsource, not ironSource.

Additionally, you can use the following methods to set more dimensions:

MethodArgumentAcceptable values
.setNetwork()The name of the ad network that provided the ad.String value or null.
.setPlacement()The placement of the ad.String value or null.
.setTestGroup()The test group of the user, if you are A/B testing.String value or null.
.setSegmentName()The name of the segment of the ad.String value or null.
.setInstanceName()The name of the instance of the ad.String value or null.
.setBundleId()The app's bundle ID.String value or null.
.setRevenue()The amount of revenue this ad generated.Money object with a non-negative amount. The currency must be a three-letter uppercase ISO 4217 string.

Upon success, .forwardAdImpression() returns true. If a parameter is invalid, false is returned.