When you monetize your application and present ads to users, revenue events record adjustments to the revenue you earn from those ads.
Field | Type | Description |
ad_bundle_id | string | App bundle ID/package name of the advertised app |
ad_instance_name | string | The instance name for the monetization partner |
ad_partner | string | The monetization partner that filled the ad impression |
ad_placement | string | The placement the user is related to as defined by the platform |
ad_sdk_name | string | The provider name of the monetization solution |
ad_segment | string | The segment the user is related to as defined by the segmentation method |
ad_test_group | string | The group specified for an A/B test |
ad_unit | string | The type of the monetization. Example values include Banner and Rewarded . |
device_id | string | The advertising identifier for the device. For Android, this is the GAID. For iOS, this is the IDFA. |
event_count | int | A counter used to calculate the correct number of events tied to a transaction_id |
event_id | string | justtrack's identifier for this event |
event_time | timestamp | The date and time in UTC at which the event happened. This timestamp doesn't include the timezone. |
install_id | string | justtrack's identifier for the install event tied to this event |
jt_user_id | string | justtrack's identifier for this user |
money_value_usd | double | The revenue generated by the user |
product_id | string | The ID of the purchased item |
product_type | string | The type of the purchased item |
revenue_type | string | The type of revenue. Example values include IAP Revenue and Ad Revenue . |
transaction_id | string | justtrack's identifier for the unique revenue transaction |