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When you advertise your application, spend events record adjustments to the amount of money you spend on your campaigns.

country_iso2stringThe two-character ISO country code derived from the ip
event_timetimestampThe date and time in UTC at which the event happened. This timestamp doesn't include the timezone.
event_idstringjusttrack's identifier for this event
jt_ad_set_idintjusttrack's identifier for the ad set
jt_ad_set_namestringjusttrack's name for the ad set
jt_campaign_idintjusttrack's identifier for the campaign
jt_user_idstringjusttrack's identifier for this user
partner_ad_set_idstringThe ad partner's identifier for the ad set
partner_creative_idstringThe ad partner's identifier for the creative asset
partner_creative_namestringThe ad partner's name for the creative asset
partner_idintjusttrack's identifier for the advertising partner
partner_keyword_idstringThe partner's ad search keyword ID
source_bundle_idstringThe bundle ID of the app from which the spend comes from
source_idstringThe ad partner's identifier of the media source where the ad is shown
source_namestringThe name of the media source where the ad is shown
spend_value_usddoubleThe amount of money spent on advertising in USD
user_install_idstringjusttrack's identifier for the install event tied to this spend event