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Postback events occur when justtrack sends a postback to an advertising partner based on some goal conversion.

app_idintjusttrack's identifier for the app
bodystringThe body of the HTTP request
campaign_goalboolFlag if the postback is the campaign goal
event_timetimestampThe date and time in UTC at which the event happened. This timestamp doesn't include the timezone.
device_idstringThe advertising identifier for the device. For Android, this is the GAID. For iOS, this is the IDFA.
event_idstringjusttrack's identifier for this event
goal_conversion_idstringjusttrack's identifier for the goal conversion event tied to this postback
install_idstringjusttrack's identifier for the install event tied to this event
is_non_attributedboolDetermines if the postback is non-attributed
jt_campaign_idintjusttrack's identifier for the campaign
jt_user_idstringjusttrack's identifier for this user
non_attributed_network_idintjusttrack’s identifier of the network of the user for which we send the postback. Only for non-attributed postbacks
partner_idintjusttrack's identifier for the advertising partner
postback_type_idintjusttrack's identifier for this postback type
response_codeintThe status code of the HTTP response
urlstringThe URL of the HTTP request