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A cohort is a group of users that installed an app on the same day. The users may have all installed a single app or installed one of multiple apps, depending on the user segment you're looking at. By grouping users in this way, you can analyze trends in user actions over time.


Imagine you want to analyze how users' spending behaviors change in the days and weeks after they install your app. The key to understanding user behaviors in this way is to group them by their install date. From there, you can visualize and compare spending data from day 0 (the day they installed the app) to day 1 to day 2 and so on.

With this data, you can take action. For example, you might re-engage users when your revenue begins to trend downward, on average.

You don't have to analyze cohorts through the revenue metric, though. There are many useful metrics to analyze with cohorts, like retention rate, active users, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

Days since install

Cohorts in justtrack are time-based, so the concept of days since install is important. Because a cohort is a group of users who installed an app on the same day, you can analyze their behaviors from one day to the next.

In justtrack, we use the notation dx to denote the days since install. So, d0 is zero days since the cohort's install date. d1 is the day after the install date. And d90 is the ninetieth day after the install date.

Technical Detail

The metrics for each day aggregate data from midnight (00:00) to midnight (23:59). All times are in UTC.

Learn more about cohorts

  • Cohort Analysis
  • Analyze user retention