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Tracking URLs

A tracking URL specifies where to send data when users view or click your ads as well as what data you want to receive.

Using tracking URLs

Here is a typical workflow for using tracking URLs in justtrack:

Tracking Flow
  1. When you connect a partner to your organization in justtrack, you usually need to configure two tracking URLs. The first is for when a user sees your ad. (This is called an impression.) The second is for when a user clicks your ad. At this stage, the tracking URLs are more like templates that specify what information you want to receive and the way you want to receive it; but more on that later.
  2. When you create a campaign in the partner, you:
    1. Build a tracking URL that's specific to an app, platform, and goal*.
    2. Add this tracking URL to the partner campaign.
  3. When the partner places the ad, it includes these tracker URLs.
  4. When the user sees or clicks the ad, the partner SDK sends tracking data to the correct URL where you can see the results in real time.

*Goals aren't always required when building tracking URLs. They're only required if the partner you're connecting supports both:

  • Automatic campaign creation
  • Sending cost data via tracking URLs

The data you receive from tracking URLs is valuable for things like understanding how effective your campaign is at achieving some goal or attributing user behaviours to the partners that run the campaigns.


Some partners don't support external tracking URLs. In those cases, we can't show impression or click data.

Tracking URL components

A tracking URL is composed of three parts:

Tracking URL Structure


The domain is the address that receives data about the partner, the campaign, and user who sees or clicks your ad.


The event identifies the interaction the user had with your advertisement. The two possible values are:

  • view
  • click


The parameters specify the data you want to receive for your campaign. This data might include the user's country, the campaign type, or the goal you're basing your campaign on.

There are two types of parameters:

  • Those that justtrack provides values for.
  • Those that the partner provides values for.

justtrack parameters

Some parameters are managed by justtrack. When you build a URL for a campaign, justtrack provides these values in the tracking URL:

Parameter NameDescription
goalNameUnique name of the default or custom goal
networkThe justtrack ID for the connected partner
storeIdStore ID for Apple iTunes/App Store app, or the package name for Google Play

Partner parameters

Some parameters are managed by the partner. When a user interacts with the ad, the partner provides values for these parameters:

Parameter NameDescriptionIncluded by default
deviceIdGoogle Advertiser ID / Identifier for Advertisers
clickIdPartner generated unique ID of the click (click links only)
viewIdPartner generated unique ID of the view (view links only)
sourceIdSub ID
sourceBundleIdSub App ID
sourceCampaignIdCampaign ID of the partner
creativeNameName of the set of creative assets (provided by AppLike).
sourcePublisherApp publisher
creativeIdID of the set of creative assets (provided by AppLike)
referrerIdPartner generated unique ID of the referrer (click links only)
sourceUrlApp store URL in which the ad was shown
sourcePlacementPlacement within the publisher’s app
sourceCategoryCategory of the publisher’s app in which the ad was shown
channelAd unit
adTypeType of shown creative asset
limitedAdTracking"1" or "true" if ad tracking is limited, "0" or "false" if ad tracking isn't limited
countryGEO country of the user (ISO3166 alpha-2)
osVersionOperating system version
deviceTypeDevice type (tablet, phone, etc.)
deviceModelDevice model
deviceResolutionUser device’s screen resolution
s2strue/false: Describes if the click/view was executed by the server or by frontend
exchangeIdID of ad exchange
exchangeNameName of ad exchange
sourceNameName of the publisher’s app in which the ad was shown
deviceVendorShould be "apple" for iOS platform or empty
adSetIdAd set/group ID of the partner
bidTypeCampaign cost model ("CPI", "CPA", "CPC", "CPM", "CPV", "CPCV")
bidCurrencyCPI/CPA currency. This is required for cost tracking via clicks and views.
bidValueCPI/CPA value (use . as decimal delimiter). This is required for cost tracking via clicks and views.
userAgentUser agent of the tracking event
ipCurrent GEO IP of the tracking event
redirectPrevents user getting redirected to the Play store if set to false
custom0Optional custom parameter
custom1Optional custom parameter
custom2Optional custom parameter
custom3Optional custom parameter
recruiterUserIdUser identifier of the recruiting user when doing affiliate marketing
campaignType"retargeting" for retargeting campaigns, "acquisition" for acquisition campaigns
optimizationTypeThe optimization type of the campaign
sourceCampaignNameName of the campaign in partner
adSetNameName of the ad set, ad group, offer


When you connect a partner to justtrack, you create templates for your tracking URLs. These templates use macros for the parameters so the values can be added later:

Tracking URL with Macros

By the time the user interacts with the ad, all these macros are replaced by real values.


You can include fixed values instead of macros if you don't want to receive dynamic tracking data from your partner.

For justtrack parameters, the macros you provide are arbitrary. For partner parameters, the macros you provide are specific to the partner. Please consult the partner's documentation to learn what macros you should use to get the correct data in your tracking URL.


If you use macros that aren't approved by the ad partner, we won't receive real data in the tracking URL.

Learn more about tracking URLs