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When you set up adjoe as a partner for justtrack, the following configuration will already be automatically set up:

  • Tracking URLs and the URL macros
  • Postbacks
  • SKAd network ID
  • Automated campaign creation based on clicks and views

Feature configuration

In addition to the features we provide without further configuration, our integration with adjoe supports:

Here's what you'll need to configure these features in justtrack:

KeyCost data & biddingpartnerFields.cost.adjoe.keyAsk your account manager for this value

Campaign structure

adjoe supports campaigns that can have multiple targeting groups. Justtrack is set up to support this structure for adjoe as well.

A campaign on justtrack side equals a campaign on adjoe side. Targeting groups are represented by adsets in justtrack.

Campaigns and adsets are automatically created once we receive the first click or view.


Targeting groups can only have the same set of countries that the campaign has.

Bid management

Justtrack supports bid adjustments on:

  • country level
  • sourceId level