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AppLovin is a video ad network. When you set up AppLovin as an ad network for justtrack, the following configuration will already be automatically set up:

  • Tracking URLs and the URL macros
  • Postbacks
  • SKAd network ID
  • Automated campaign creation based on clicks and views

Feature configuration

In addition to the features we provide without further configuration, our integration with AppLovin supports:

Here's what you'll need to configure these features in justtrack:

Reporting API KeyCost dataThe key for the reporting APIDocumentation
Client IDBidding & creativesThe Applovin client id used to execute operations on your behalf.Documentation
Client SecretBidding & creativesThe Applovin client secret used to execute operations on your behalf.Documentation
SDK KeyPostbacksYour Applovin SDK keyDocumentation

Report and SDK keys

You can retrieve the keys directly from the AppLovin dashboard by navigating to Account > Keys:

AppLovin account details

For cost integration, use the Report Key. For postbacks, use the SDK Key.