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When you set up Tapjoy as an ad network for justtrack, the following configuration will already be automatically set up:

  • Tracking URLs and the URL macros
  • Postbacks
  • SKAd network ID

Feature configuration

In addition to the features we provide without further configuration, our integration with TapJoy supports:

Here's what you'll need to configure these features in justtrack:

Marketing API KeyCost data & biddingpartnerFields.cost.tapjoy.marketingApiKeyDocumentation
Tracker Partner IDPostbackspartnerFields.postbacks.tapjoy.trackerPartnerIdAsk your account manager for this value

Marketing API key

Follow these steps to retrieve the key from Tapjoy:

  1. Navigate to your Account settings (top right corner, click Account)
  2. Click Reporting API (right side of the Account Details window)
  3. Copy the Marketing API Key and paste it into the justtrack credentials page for Tapjoy

Pasting the key into justtrack is enough. Justtrack will take care of getting an access token for you as described in the Tapjoy documentation.

Campaign setup

To set up a campaign, first create an Account with Tapjoy. Tapjoy is a managed network, so campaign creation will run through an Account Manager.


Tapjoy supports two types of campaigns:

  • single CPE campaigns: just one event is sent via postback. Additionally, the install can be sent via postback as well.
  • Multi Reward campaigns: multiple events are sent via postback.

The following steps need to be taken to create a campaign:

  1. Make sure all goals are created on justtrack. Goals only need to be setup once per account, so unless you want to postback on a new type of event, this should already be done
  2. Inform Tapjoy about new campaign details. This requires the exact event name(s) that's sent via postback upon. You can get these names from the goals page in justtrack
  3. Tapjoy provides the correct engagement_id per event. This needs to be entered on your Tapjoy network page for the correct goal / postback:
Goal / Postback setting with specific engagement ID

Now justtrack will send the correct ID on the postback. The campaign will be created automatically in justtrack once we receive the first click / view.


Additional tracking parameters can be requested by Tapjoy:

  • sourceBundleId
  • sourceName

Default attributed postback template`{tapjoyEngagementId}`&advertising_id=`{mobileId}`&tjcid=`{clickId}`&event_name=`{goalName}`&tapjoy_attributed=1

Tapjoy requires that non-attributed postbacks are sent as well. This is automatically configured by justtrack already.