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ironSource is a video ad network. When you set up ironSource as an ad network for justtrack, the following configuration will already be automatically set up:

  • Tracking URLs and the URL macros
  • Postbacks
  • SKAd network ID
  • Automated campaign creation based on clicks and views

Feature configuration

In addition to the features we provide without further configuration, our integration with ironSource supports:

Here's what you'll need to configure these features in justtrack:

Secret KeyCost data, bidding, creatives, & SKAdpartnerFields.cost.ironsource.secretKeyDocumentation
Refresh TokenCost data, bidding, creatives, & SKAdpartnerFields.cost.ironsource.refreshTokenDocumentation
Advertiser IDPostbackspartnerFields.postbacks.ironsource.advertiserIdDocumentation

Secret key and refresh token

We recommend to create a separate justtrack account for your ironSource account so it isn't tied to a person.

  1. Navigate to your account details in the ironSource dashboard.
  2. Select the API tab.
  3. Here, you'll find your Secret Key and Refresh Token.
ironSource Account Overview, API Tab