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Google Ads

Our integration with Google Ads supports:

Here's what you'll need to configure these features in justtrack:

Client Customer IDCost data & biddingpartnerFields.cost.adwords.clientCustomerIdDocumentation
Customer Login IDCost data & biddingpartnerFields.cost.adwords.customerLoginIdDocumentation
Grant TypeCost data & creativespartnerFields.cost.adwords.grantTypeconstant value refreshToken. To be replaced by Google Login in the future
Refresh TokenCost data, bidding, & creativespartnerFields.cost.adwords.refreshTokenDocumentation
Spend CurrencyCost datapartnerFields.cost.adwords.spendCurrency-
Link IDAttribution & postbackspartnerFields.attribution.adwords.linkIdDocumentation
Firebase API SecretPostbackspartnerFields.postbacks.adwords.firebaseApiSecretAsk your account manager for this value
Firebase App IDPostbackspartnerFields.postbacks.adwords.firebaseAppIdAsk your account manager for this value
YouTube Channel IDCreativespartnerFields.creative.adwords.youtubeChannelIdDocumentation

You need to do three things to get these values and be able to see all the data in justtrack and use all automation features:

  1. Enable the Google Ads API
  2. Use Google's OAuth 2.0 Authentication flow to get the required credentials
  3. Enter developer token and app IDs

To generate a link ID, follow the Google's instructions. When it asks for your app analytics provider:

  1. Select Other provider
  2. Enter 2903887217 as the provider ID
Your app with the relevant ID

Import events from justtrack

In order for us to receive installs from Google Ads, you need to import an event from Google's dashboard. Follow these steps to import a first_open event:

  1. Wait some time for justtrack to attribute at least one install to Google Ads. The time it takes for this to happen depends on the app, campaign, and other factors.
  2. In Google Ads, navigate to Goals > Summary, and click Create conversion action:
  1. Select Import > Third-party app analytics, then click Continue:
  1. Select and import the event called first_open with analytics provider "justtrack GmbH":

If you have no first_open event, wait a bit longer for the first attribution and try again.

Enable the Google Ads API

If the API isn't enabled yet, please navigate to this URL (exchange the project ID with your project ID) and enable the API.

Navigate to APIs & Services, then Enable APIs & Services. Search for Google Ads API and select it. Then click Enable.

Get the required OAuth credentials

To retrieve the required credentials and enter them in the justtrack network credentials tab, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to: to create an "OAuth client ID" of type "Web application".
  2. Use the redirect URIand turn this into a refresh token with AdWords API scope here:
    Click the gear icon and enable "Use your own OAuth credentials". Enter your client ID and client secret from the first step and click "close". On the left side below step 1 expand "AdWords API".
  3. Now tick the entry "" and click "Authorize APIs".
    On the Google consent screen choose the account that has access to your ad campaigns. You should now have landed back in the OAuth2 Playground and an "Authorization code" should be filled into the Step 2 "Authorization code" field. Click "Exchange authorization code for tokens" to fetch the refresh token. Copy the refresh token.

The Grant Type needs to be refresh_token.

Provide additional credentials

Additionally, you need to enter a Developer Token to be able to use these features. You can get it by navigating to Tools & Settings in the Google Ads dashboard. Then click API Center.

The Login Customer ID is needed if your access to the customer account is through a manager account. This attribute must be set to the customer ID of the manager account. You can find the ID when you click Help in the Google Ads dashboard.

As a last step, please navigate to the apps section of justtrack and enter the ClientCustomerId for your apps. It's needed to use justtrack's bid manager. This attribute can be found in your Google Ads Account right next to the selected app:

Your app with the relevant ID

If you open the dropdown, you will see the IDs for other apps in your account.


Bid adjustments or campaign adjustments can't be done for apps where this attribute isn't set. You will receive a notification in case it's missing.